Jul 5, 2023

Small Business Social Media Marketing: Does DIY Make Sense?

Small Business Social Media Marketing: Does DIY Make Sense?

Planning on taking on your small business social media marketing yourself? There are some pros and cons to consider before you jump in. Social media for small business purposes might seem pretty easy, but there’s more to it than you might imagine.Now, we’re not saying it’s rocket science. In fact just about anyone can learn how to use social media effectively for his or her small business. In fact, with some focus, patience, and practice, most people could become pretty good at social media marketing, once they learn the ins and outs.But there’s a reason you see Facebook business pages that were posting regularly for a while but haven’t posted in months; or Twitter profiles that are a year or more old with only a few followers and no recent tweets. And there’s a reason you hear some small business owners say, “I tried social media marketing for my small business, and it just doesn’t work.”

Which Small Businesses Need Social Media Marketing?

The truth is, social media marketing can work for any small business. No matter which industry you’re in or how small your business is, it’s possible to make a case for social media being an important part of your marketing strategy. All those quiet or completely abandoned social media accounts don’t belong to folks who are in industries for which social media “doesn’t work.” They mostly belong to small business owners who either got frustrated from their lack of results or just couldn’t find the time to maintain a healthy social media presence.So even though almost anyone can learn to be an effective social media marketer for their small business, most small business owners simply don’t have the time to devote to the medium to make it successful. As an entrepreneur, you should be focusing on the areas that are core to your business. If you’re stuck updating social media every day, it’s taking you away from something else that could be vital to the success of your business. And that can be a recipe for disaster.

Who Should be Working on Social Media For Your Small Business?

The bottom line is this: unless social media marketing for small business is your profession, it shouldn’t be your priority. Important? Absolutely. But not your primary focus.Then why do so many small businesses attempt social media marketing on their own? It has to do with the limited alternatives up until now. Low cost social media for small business has primarily come in the form of “social media consultants” who charge too much and don’t really “get it.” Small business owners have experience throwing their money away, and that just doesn’t make good business sense.Of course, now there’s $99 Social, and our mission is to deliver value to small business through social media marketing. We offer the lowest price available for the level of service we provide, and our customer service is second to none. Find out more about our affordable social media plan here, and leave DIY for your back yard projects.Photo Credit: www.failblog.org

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